
gravity theory cream Ganoderma is a rare precious

gravity theory cream  Ganoderma is a rare precious herb which is the highest recognized and better value than korean ginseng due to its neutral mild and poisonous harmless nature Ganoderma has been widely used for thousands of years by Orientals as a magic healthcare tip [Music] since 1958 when the Japanese started scientific research of Ganoderma more than 200 precious elements have been identified amongst these highly effective healthy elements are tri terpenoids a nd polysaccharide tri terpenoids only to be found in Ganoderma is a unique element with great healing value it is also an indicator of a quality of G  gravity theory cream Buy   anoderma the lifecycle of Ganoderma lucidum consists of three stages spore mycelium and fruit potti [Music] the spore is invisible to the naked eye released by the fruit body upon maturity it germinates into mycelium which transforms into fruit body in four to six weeks time for the next three to five months the fungus fruit body matures and is